Thursday, November 13, 2008

Short LVS AAPL Straddle one more time!!!

LVS- Well this is a casino in Las Vegas that saw a high a year ago over $100 and was trading down to $4.00 some news broke about another casino and it shot to $16 any time I see a stock move 200-300% in a few days I know its time to come crashing down. I found a theory on price action called green to red. If a stock has been up a lot and it opens up green then goes to the red zone its time to short. That is what I did I went short 250 shares at $12.25. Had I been a little more patient I would have see the stock rise to 13.00 which was the point I got scared out of the trade. For a $185.00 Loss. Guess what time of the day it was........ AM What a fuck up that was. After it hit 13.00 it broke support and is not tradeing at $5.00. So my stupid AM trading mistake cost me a potential $1812.00 profit.

AAPL- I put this trade on while at the Hotel in Miami. May not have been the best move ever. I was up the first day then AAPL got knocked down so I have to wait. When I did the options caculator before the trade I knew the longer I stayed in it the riskyer it would become. The day of the election AAPL was up big and my contracts we up a small $80 one part of me wanted to take a small gain but the other part of me wanted a big winner. I had 3 choices. 1)Sell for a small gain 2) let it ride and let the upside take care of itself 3) Sell the call and buy a put to replace it and ride the stock down for a big gain. What did I do???? I let it ride for a $250 Loss the next day. Im so fuckin pissed a bout that it makes me mad just thinking about it!!!!! I should have followed what I knew was best which was sell the call buy the put.If I had when i thought about it the Dec 105 put was $8.00 today its $18.20 so you can do the math. Im not going to say I would have rode it all the way but I would have made some money for sure. My next blog post I will be setting trading rules and posting somepictures from Costa Rica

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