Thursday, November 13, 2008

AAPL Straddle, HOG Straddle

With the sucess of my last few straddles I view it as somenthing to stick with in this up and down market.
I played AAPL for a quick $246.00 gain. I saw it so I took a profit especially after the big loss on the VIX.
Mistake on trade: None good trade
I played Harly Davidson into earnings. The totle cost of the trade was $700 I was up because Harley was down big before earnings. The morning of the stock started to rebound. I got scared bacause the Call side of my trade was just about worthless, so if the stock rebounded the Put would lose more vale than the Call gained by going up so I sold for a break even. MISTAKE!!!!!!
when I open the postion I quesdtioned weather I should even buy the call because I was so sure the stock would fall. Historry has tought me not to pick direction so I stuck to my guns. The thing that cost me my gain was an ever so Famious AM fake out. If i would have held the market would hae droped and I wouldhave make a good profit. A break even is not bad its just a wast of time.
Mistake on trade: AM trading. NEVER TRADE STOCK IN THE AM!!!!!!!!

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