1. Collect missing documents from the home owner or real estate agent.
2. Submit Short Sale package to lender(s).
3. Give 48 hour updates via online system.
4. Be point of contact for BPO agent. "Set up entry for agent"
5. Negotiate favorable terms for the approval and if necessary have lender re order BPO.
This position needs to be filled ASAP. Please email your resemue to William Ripley and we can set a time to talk.
- Main Entry: fe·ro·cious
- Pronunciation: \fə-ˈrō-shəs\
- Function: adjective
- Etymology: Latin feroc-, ferox, literally, fierce looking, from ferus + -oc-, -ox (akin to Greek ōps eye) — more at eye
- Date: 1646
1 : exhibiting or given to extreme fierceness and unrestrained violence and brutality ferocious predator>
2 : extremely intense <ferocious heat>
synonyms see fierce
— fe·ro·cious·ly adverb
— fe·ro·cious·ness noun